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K.1 Strand

Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather to identify patterns over time. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that communities can prepare for and respond to these events. Sunlight warms Earth’s surface.
STORYLINE: K.1.1 - K.1.2 Weather and Climate, Natural Hazards
Anchor 1

Standard(s) K.1.1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about local, observable weather conditions to describe patterns over time. Emphasize the students’ collection and sharing of data. Examples of data could include sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, cold, or warm. (ESS2.D) 


Standard(s) K.1.2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on the effect of forecasted weather patterns on human behavior. Examples could include how humans respond to local forecasts of typical and severe weather such as extreme heat, high winds, flash floods, thunderstorms, or snowstorms. (ESS3.B)  


Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information in K–2 builds on prior experiences and uses observations and texts to communicate new information. 

  • Read grade-appropriate texts and/or use media to obtain scientific information to describe patterns in the natural world.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate 

Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time.


ESS3.B: Natural Hazards

Some kinds of severe weather are more likely than others in a given region. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that the communities can prepare for and respond to these events.

Cross Cutting Concepts

Patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence.

Phenomena Statement

Children in the summertime wear shorts and t-shirts. Children in the wintertime wear coats, boots, and mittens.

Storyline Narrative

Students will study the patterns of weather. They will start by observing weather in the summer and winter. They will observe and communicate the patterns they are observing between summer and winter. Students will then plan and carry out an investigation to observe the patterns of weather over two weeks and to observe the patterns of weather between day and night. Students will then analyze the data they collected over time and compare the patterns they noticed in their data collection with weather patterns from another weather collection chart. Students will then observe some local weather forecasts that forecasts a snowstorm and high winds. They will then explain and communicate what effect that weather will have on people and how they can prepare for that type of weather by the clothes they wear or other items then may have to get ready. At the end students will communicate the patterns of weather over time and what they will do to prepare for a local forecast.

Anchor 2
STORYLINE: K.1.3 - K.1.4 Conservation of Energy, Energy Transfer

Standard(s) K.1.3: Carry out an investigation using the five senses, to determine the effect of sunlight on different surfaces and materials. Examples could include measuring temperature, through touch or other methods, on natural and man-made materials in various locations throughout the day. (PS3.B)


Standard(s) K.1.4: Design a solution that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight on an area. Define the problem by asking questions and gathering information, convey designs through sketches, drawings, or physical models, and compare and test designs. (PS3.B, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C)


Planning and Carrying Out Investigations to answer questions or test solutions to problems in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to simple investigations, based on fair tests, which provide data to support explanations or design solutions.

  • Make observations (firsthand or from media) to collect data that can be used to make comparisons.


Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to the use of evidence and ideas in constructing evidence-based accounts of natural phenomena and designing solutions.

  • Use tools and materials provided to design and build a device that solves a specific problem or a solution to a specific problem.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer

Sunlight warms Earth’s surface.

Cross Cutting Concepts

Cause and Effect: Events have causes that generate observable patterns.

Phenomena Statement

Children in the summertime wear shorts and t-shirts. Children in the wintertime wear coats, boots, and mittens.

Storyline Narrative

Students will watch a popsicle melting in the sun and the shade. They will observe the effects the sun and the shade have on the popsicle. They will develop questions about the effect of the sun and the shade. Students will plan and carry out an investigation to observe the effects of the sun and shade on a variety of surfaces. Students will analyze their data from their investigation to see the effect the sun has on surfaces. They will observe and explain the effects of the sun and shade on a window surface. Students will design a solution to reduce the effects of the sun on puppies sitting in the sun. The class will discuss their solution to determine what reduced the effects of the sun and what did not reduce the effects of the sun. Students will then test a surface they have not tested before and explain what the effect of the sun was on the surface.

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